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# The End of The Nightmare
>>> After the events of "Kirb: Nightmare in Funland", [Timeline A] began a reboot. The deeper intention behind KNiF was to restart Kade and co.'s lore from the beginning. This meant that [Timeline B] was no longer canon, and its versions of those characters were tossed out.
>>> The Reboot was split in two ways: "Kade's Adventures Through the Multiverse" held [Kade Berry], [Kurson Berry], [Chisk Dreemurr] and [Asriel Dreemurr]. Meanwhile, "My Little Pony: A Whole New Universe" held [Necro Zera] and [Twilight Sparkle]. Most aspects of their lives were changed, but not all. The only major difference was splitting Necro and Twilight away from the other four.
>>> However, this caused a ripple effect. The Main 6 were not sent to [The SK-MSIV] (mainly because it wasn't established yet) and instead sent to limbo. Their reboot selves, for all intents and purposes, were completely new characters. This means that their original selves were written out of the lore. [Timeline B], too, stopped functioning while [Timeline A] took full control.

# Transferring Data
>>> KNiF would get updates at slower and slower paces from 2022 to 2024, and the reboots be updated when called. It wouldn't be until March 5th, 2024 where [Timeline B] showed signs of life. A video was uploaded as part of [phiDOT] Season 2, marking the halfway point. Kade and Kirb both appear in this episode, Kirb asking Kade a favor and Kade asking about the reboots' progress. From this video it seems the reboots are pushed to the side while efforts are made to get [Timeline B] running again.
>>> Supposedly, the connection Kirb's YouTube channel has to his broader internet life allows his characters to return. If the energy levels of an "Event" are large enough, it can breach the area they're stuck in and drag one of them back through. We're still trying to research and understand it, it sounds flimsy put into words... All we can tell is that there's a barrier stopping us from saving everyone at once.
>>> It was also around this time that [Cloud Puff], [Thunder Bolt], [Jett Rocket] and [Pumpers Jammbeat] began reappearing often, though they're disconnected from the timeline split and have no affect on the reboots.

# The Reboot Universes
>>> On Kade's side, he follows becoming a hero and befriending Kurson after betraying Bowser. However, Professor Elvin Gadd is who introduces the two to The Multiverse, instead of Andy, a character owned by a separate user. This continues the self-enclosure pattern Kirb set up; Reboot Kade's group is confined to their home universes, and any non-Kirb-owned characters are substituted. Some trivia is omitted like Kade's [Mystic] life and wielding a Keyblade. Eventually, they all meet and become friends, forming their own cross-world rescue team to fight villains and save lives. Very Saturday morning cartoon-inspired.
>>> On Necro's side, he connects to Equestra by wanting to prove other worlds exist. However, this gets Twilight stuck in his world as his machine blew up mid-transfer. Twilight gets to explore sides of human life she hadn't before (given she's been through the wringer via the Equestria Girls movies), befriending Necro along the way. Despite this, a second mishap takes place as the new machine drags Necro to Equestria. This means his co-workers need to rebuild a 2nd time while Necro's stuck in Twilight's world.
>>> Alongside this, a timeskip introduces [Shade, Tyria & Starstrike], implying Necro married Twilight and found a way to continue their legacy. The timeskip is roughly 12 years after Necro returns home, meaning Shade & Tyria would be around 10 to 11 years old. Starstrike is much younger at around 3.

>>> All together this can be split into "Seasons" like a typical cartoon. S1 of KATtM starts with Kade and Kurson meeting and ends with the four founding their team. S2 dives into further Universes after a lesser timeskip. S1 of MLP:AWNU is about Twilight in Necro's world, S2 has Necro in Twilight's world, and S3 is the timeskip introducing their children. Both "shows" share the finale from different views, as both sides meet up for the first time. But... why?

# The Second Coming
>>> Unbeknownst to everyone (including us, honestly), KNiF wasn't Nightscar's only appearance. He survived in his weakest form and floated through space recharging. At the right time, he split parts of himself to find Kade's and Necro's worlds, which became [Zeprawr] and [Sven Paison] respectively. They were able to reconnect with Nightscar who now had his own body. [Underscar] also showed up at the time Kade's rescue team was gaining traction and Necro was in Equestria.
>>> This culminated with an all-out attack on Equestria post-timeskip, vaporizing 80% of the land and most inhabitants. Nightscar used his magic to rip a gateway from Kade's world to Equestria, allowing both groups to confront him. He also removed the block between their old & new memories, forcing them to remember their old lives and turn the reboot moot. This didn't deter them, as they kept their heads high and fought to the end. Nightscar was defeated a 2nd time and reverted Equestria to normal, fleeing the scene.

# True Ending?
>>> What happens afterward is left to interpretation. The heroes go back to their reboot worlds and may or may not get their memories fixed, but there's hypotheticals beyond it that let the story continue (meaning this isn't certified canon to The Reboots).
>>> What's described as the "True Ending" is a set of Special Episodes. Kade's group gets a rescue call from Equestria -- specifically, the version influenced by Necro. This would fittingly be called "Kade's Adventures in Equestria". After that, Necro goes through a story titled "EMBER", following a dream spirit haunting him the same day every year. Princess Luna, with her magic, enters Necro's mind with Twilight and her friends to help stop it.
>>> The final episode, "Separated", is an even larger timeskip to everyone being in different life stages. Kurson opened a training dojo while Chisk and Asriel starting a cooking show. Kade meanwhile works small dayjobs for money, stuck in the past and refusing to give up being a hero. However, Necro & Twilight are attending Shade & Tyria's high school graduation when they're ambushed by rogue ponies and dragons. Another rogue stranger uses firearms and offs one of the ponies, driving a wedge between humankind and ponykind. This forces Twilight & her kids back to Equestria while Necro is abandoned.
>>> Tensions rise when Nightscar returns once more and attacks The Multiverse, looking for all 6 heroes. Kade searches for Shade & Tyria to help get Necro & Twilight back, thus reuniting everyone. They have a final battle atop a tower Nightscar built in the meantime. After winning he explains how he can never be defeated due to his link to Kirb: He spawned from Kirb's bad energy when making KNiF; a manifestation of misery and hatred. The way they get rid of him is as follows: Kade borrows The Time Stones from Little Planet and send Nightscar back in time, erasing his memories in the process. This, ultimately, is how Underscar was formed; he is Nightscar at his weakest point. Finally, this creates a timeloop, cycling back to Underscar meeting the other three at random. All 6 heroes live the rest of their lives in peace.

  >>> [ Spacia & Jumber ]