> dir
>>> Directory of N:/ImportantCharacters/KadeBerry

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  <INF> Description
>>> Kade is a reptile under the "Mystic" species, hailing from their accurately-dubbed home "Planet Mystic".
>>> He is 5'2" tall, the shortest of his group (minus Twilight for walking on all-fours). He has teal-green scales/fur, a light-yellow underbelly and light-blue sclera with dark-blue pupils.
>>> He wears a Shy Guy costume pertaining to his history; his robe is also teal-green with a brown belt & mask strap, white mask that emotes with him, a white heart-shaped belt buckle, dark-blue pants and shoes that are half-white half-blue.

  <INF> Backstory
>>> Kade's homeworld, unfortunately, is no longer here. It was swallowed by an entity known as "The Darkness" that came from a deeper part of the cosmos, Kade only surviving via rocketing him away from the planet. This follows a recognizable trope, Kade wanting to find his family once he grew old enough to know his circumstances.
>>> His landing adapted to the world he crashed into, magically concealing him as a Shy Guy under King Koopa's rule. Kade, however, did not bode well with tasks, getting made fun of by other henchfolks for screwing up. This led to him being booted out to fend for himself.
>>> Coincidentally, a rift between Mobius and The Mushroom Kingdom opened, sending a Ring towards Kade out of nowhere. Once he grabbed it, abilities tied to Sonic the Hedgehog were embedded into him, allowing him to use moves such as the Spin Dash.
>>> Kade turned to the hero side as a result, fighting alongside the kingdom's other heroes. He soon met Kurson and formed a brother-like bond, growing Kade's adventurous spirit.
  <INF> Abilities
>>> Kade's arsenal is confusing at best and incomprehensible at worst. He's gone through the most changes, unlocking something new one day and getting parts of his lore retconned the next.
>>> His powers are no different -- he's skilled in hand-to-hand and knows his way around most weapon types. His main draw is a "Keyblade" bound to the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
>>> Here as well

  <FIL> ["homesick.png"]   <FIL> ["homesick.png"] >>> Here as well

  <INF> Relationships
>>> Write text here
>>> And here
>>> Here as well

  <INF> Highlights
>>> Write text here
>>> And here
>>> Here as well

  <INF> Miscellaneous
>>> Write text here
>>> And here
>>> Here as well