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>>> Directory of N:/LoreProjects/FunlandSaga

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  <INF> Description

# How It All Began
>>> Kirb: Adventure in Funland is a fake game created by Kirb in June of 2017. It gets its name from [Kade Berry] due to him once being named Kirb too, switching to Kade in early 2018.
>>> At first, Kirb wanted to follow the guise of [SiIvaGunner], a YouTube group dedicated to meme-related music editing. He began composing tracks for Funland and quickly made copies with swapped melodies, referencing notable sources on SiIva's channel.
>>> Eventually, Kirb decided to evolve Funland into a horror project. The basis is that [Kurson Berry], [Chisk Dreemurr] and [Asriel Dreemurr] would be under someone else's control, holding Kade captive and turning him into their power source. As a result, Funland in-universe is a simulation Kade is stuck in while comatose.

>>> However, this created a problem: Kirb was still role-playing as Kade with others at this time, so how could Kade be in 2 places at once? While it would take a few years to get there in real time, this introduced [Timelines A & B]. Timeline A is where "Kirb: Adventure in Funland" turns into "Kirb: Nightmare in Funland", a proposed ending to end Kade and co.'s stories. On the other hand, Timeline B acts as if Funland never existed.
>>> Funland itself plays off Kade's Mario influence; as in, it's a bog-standard 2D Mario platformer. Kirb's younger self creating it can be excused as the trio rushing to trap Kade as fast as possible. In turn this led to Kade finding vulnerable spots to exit and wake up from. Meanwhile, Nightscar sapped Kade's energy and grew its own sentience beyond a basic parasite, leading to the [Nightscar] character we know today.

# Development History
>>> Nightscar as an entity is still not fully understood. His magic has not been scanned (nor do we want to take the risk) and has shown to embody generic horror tropes. His virus-esque origin lets him regenerate his physical body and infect others' minds. This is why Kade was able to grow claws and was seeping blood. Moreover, post-KNiF Nightscar has been able to section off parts of himself to grow into new organisms. They can carry a mind of their own but have similar characteristics and/or personality.
>>> The "game" has a basic (if not crude) art style. The Overworld, Underground and Snow themes use the same tiles recolored, and the backgrounds are simple gradients. In its earliest development, there weren't even enemies or many interactable blocks, but Kade was blissfully unaware until he broke out for the first time. As time went on, the group added more content to keep Kade occupied, repeatedly clearing his memory to subdue him further.

  <FIL> [Kade Funland Sprites]
  <FIL> [Funland Tileset V1]
  <FIL> [Funland Tileset V2]
  <FIL> [Funland Tileset V3]

>>> In September of 2018, the trio -- now under the name "Team KCA" -- noticed they had more Nightscar buildup than expected. Their systems started glitching and out of nowhere combusted... yet stayed intact. They then saw a new version of Funland and started to experiment.
>>> It turned out that it was a complete sequel, building off of what Team KCA already had. This would soon be dubbed a [mutation]. Whatever power Nightscar had was able to affect technology it was plugged in to. As well, their simulation effectively doubled Nightscar's output on top of self-regeneration, meaning more mutations equaled a better result.

# Tonal Shift
>>> The timelines would lay low until real-life events led to the creation of KNiF. Since Kirb has no practical way of entering fiction, this would introduce a proper [sona] for the journey, alongside [Viru] to be the show's narrator. KNiF began with the intent of being an ARG, having user interaction be what truly "save" Kirb and Kade. Despite this, lack of a userbase forced Kirb to ditch the ARG elements and compile the footage into a movie-length video project. Even then, despite everyone retaining memories of how it ended, KNiF is -- as of writing -- still not content-complete. This itself has become another plot thread affecting everybody, furthering the meta aspect of Kirb's lore.
>>> That said, this caused discrepancies in the runtime: One example is the scene ["Nightscar's Thoughts ~ Delay of The End"], which was uploaded under KNiF metadata. Nightscar speaks to himself about said missing memories, being unable to remember the exact events that led to key points he does recall. The first delay in 2021 also caused a discrepancy with the upload ["Five Years."], as it was posted AND narrates from Kade's POV in 2022, despite the expected end-year being 2021. Eventually, despite how much Kirb has promised to finish the project, it is otherwise on indefinite hiatus.

# Further Additions
>>> Despite the setbacks KNiF faced, Funland as a whole has been added on to exponentially. Kirb continued to make high quality rips and has even uploaded new tracks beyond the initial OST. As well, more mutations have been popping up (most of which are thumbnail edits to fit certain themes/jokes), and KNiF has gotten more scenes to flesh out the story with. Moreso, Funland inspired the creation and development of adjacent projects like [Funland Redux], [Kade Evolution], [SMM2: The Funland Mod] and of course [The Reboot Timelines].

  >>> [ Spacia & Jumber ]