"I did say there's a lot."
phiDOT (pronounced "FEE-dot") is one of two major projects from 2023.
The goal was letting myself vent due to stress I had; I didn't have a story
to tell with it, just keeping it vague without thinking too hard on ideas.
This changed once Season 2 started. The first half was just like Season
1, but at the midpoint I realized something: Nothing was stopping me from
reusing Kade and his friends "officially". I was forcing KNiF on myself
to a bad degree and forgot what it was like to love my characters.
So, Kade became Season 2's protagonist.
Most episodes are 30-second animations, some looping and others not.
A handful have flashing lights or loud sounds, so please be careful.
[Season 1 playlist]
[Season 2 playlist]
[Poster art]
[Season 2 Tease]
[Midpoint Post]
[Season 2 Prologue]
CONFINED ATONEMENT is one of two major projects from 2023.
The goal was letting myself vent from stress I had; a new sona I made
would fight my bad thoughts in one big allegory. It uses a safe haven with
a looming threat to it, even bringing The NegaDrive's staff as support.
Progress was good but slowed from early burnout and scope creep. I was
thinking too far ahead when I barely had a base idea to work from. Most
of my time was wasted figuring out presentation, overcomplicating assets
and trying to get a good style down. Eventually I folded and moved
on to other projects down the line, but I'm not giving up entirely.
The project was revived in 2024 with the release of Episode 1,
and I plan on finishing the series when possible. It even helped
me develop a proper format for lore videos, which got reimple-
mented for Episode 1. Gotta crack eggs for omelettes, right?
CRUSTBUNK was a project for April Fools 2024. It's based
on various Repainted mods for games, specifically UNDERTALE.
I don't have further plans aside from music & mockup images.
You can get an idea of the story from context clues;
Ticko in place of Flowey, Wadden & Nosten for Sans & Papyrus,
Klacc being Frisk/the main character and so on. I like it.
[CRUSTBUNK playlist]
[CRUSTBUNK intro video]
Kade Evolution and Rock Bottom are from 2020 & 2018 respectively.
On one side, Rock Bottom was an experiment with a weird motive.
I wanted a cave exploration story with heavy IP crossover and
looked to explain so many franchises showing up... but in
reality I was denying my own fixation on SiIvaGunner.
It fell through after a while.
On the other, Kade Evolution was... different. Personal issues
dug into my lore and made me change direction. In mid-2020 I
wanted to kill Kade for a fresh start. I copied Super Mario Bros. Z
and made "Mecha Kade", aiming to give Kade one last adventure.
In 2023 I got motivated to partially revive them, making new
thumbnails and re-doing a few tracks I also uploaded their
older, unfinished OSTs in 2024 during Scrapheap Sendoff.
[Kade Evolution playlist]
[Rock Bottom playlist]
[Kade's Evolved Form]
[Rock Bottom 2024 Mockups]
[ ]
KirBirthday 2023 was, as you can tell, for my birthday in 2023.
Early February brought a hiatus and self-reflection, leading into the,
vent projects. KirBirthday was the endpoint to get my confidence back.
The whole day had rips andlore drops, most rips using my songs in them.
[KirBirthday '23 playlist]
["THANK YOU" message]
If there's anything else you're interested in,
feel free to scroll around my YT or Twitter.
Have a great day. ~Kirb
* (...?)