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* (Kade knows what he must do.)

[ CONTENT WARNING: Mention of self-harm, suicide ]

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SonicKade: Genocide Run is a third vent project I made in 2023 that I kept secret.
This project got fairly out-of-hand due to my increasing anger. Despite making phiDOT and C.A.,
I still felt bitter and unfulfilled. I needed one more outlet, one more project, one final scream into the void.

So I funneled it into something edgier.

I'm not gonna exaggerate or sugarcoat anything, the story is a lot harsher than what I
wanted out of phiDOT and C.A. It plays off a hypothetical suicide where I off myself and get
reborn over a decade later, at the cost of Kade hunting me down like predator versus prey.

Said rebirth is digital, finding myself on a desktop and getting to navigate the internet,
mess with programs and other software, even fly through wires and Bluetooth connections;
mainly inspired from Wreck-It Ralph 1 & 2, Animator vs. Animation, and Wii Deleted You.

That said, the final confrontation has Kade overclock his powers and gain ultimate control of
tech across the globe, subjecting me & my friends to a deathmatch with Earth as the audience.

After the gorefest, Kade taunts me one last time, giving me time for a last-resort attack and
transferring all his power to me, fully lost in insanity. Kade lost himself due to his friends
sacrificing themselves to let him follow me, my headspace collapsing with an exit to reality.

Now, though, I become the monster with him to stop me. His friends also
resurface, helping him win the fight and give a finishing blow to knock me down.

The world crumbles as I turn back to normal, becoming an escape sequence.
Another magic door, an escape for me instead. I enter. Darkness. Static.

Then, light. Waking up in a hospital, the whole story was from a coma.
Bullet wound missed fatality and I wasn't reborn at all, just paralyzed.

It ends on a lighthearted note with me returning home after half a year.

Things slowly go back to normal. Credits roll. End story.

I'm... not really proud of making this story, but I will embrace it in a bittersweet feel.
I'm taking it in stride as if it's just another story I wrote.

And that's because it is.

[SKGR playlist]   [SKGR animation]   [SKGR doodle sheet]

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- SonicKade2048 -

(Credit to Jaden1291 for some graphics used)