> dir
>>> Directory of N:/LoreProjects/Berrunic
<DIR> ..
<INF> Description
>>> Given his love for encryption, visual design and other concepts that use letters and special symbols, it's no surprise Kirb would be interested in the Runic alphabet. It's another set of symbols to fill in the 26-letter Latin alphabet, despite I and J being interchangeable.
>>> Kirb created his own set of runes dubbed "Berrunic", the name playing off of [Kade Berry]'s last name (which is common for Kirb to do). They also follow the set of 26, fixing the I and J discrepancy as well as adding a number set of 0 to 9.
>>> While rare, Berrunic has shown up in a couple of places, most notably across [phiDOT]'s first 2 seasons. Kirb has also created usable fonts out of them, albeit using a raster (pixels) format instead of vector.
<INF> Files & Links
<FIL> [Berrunic Letters]
<FIL> [Berrunic Numbers]
<FIL> [Spritesheet (Large)]
<FIL> [Spritesheet (Small)]
>>> [ Hariet ]