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"furthEr projEcts."

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A 2nd thing I did for TYOSK was make alternate channels. I thought
about reorganizing my YouTube stuff and repurposing my main.
It went okay for a
while until I noticed how poorly-balanced
the workflow was. As in, I'm not good at running multiple
accounts. I moved everything back in late 2023,
then deleted the channels completely.

["Rebranding" announcement]   [Channel archive screenshot]
[BerryGunner]   [BG Revision 1]   [BG Revision 2]
[SonicKade Showcase]   [Kirb Comments]

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One of my earliest (proper) YT events was Kirbmas 2020.
It was an Inktober-esque idea where I wanted to make one

high-quality rip per day, 25 days down to Christmas.
I... only got 2 days into it due to lack of skill,
but at least the practice was worth it.

[Day 1 rip]   [Day 2 rip]

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Scratch9 was a comic re-introducing Cloud's group into the lore,
if not a couple years early. The anniversary was for my Scratch
account, as Cloud is tied to it as much as Kade is to my ROBLOX.
After a couple more attempts,

[Scratch9 Comic]   [Year 10 Highlight]   [Year 11 Lookback]

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Through the Plains (Non-)Fusion Collab was for April Fool's 2021.
The video is 10 minutes of Through the Plains looping. However, I hid Hex code                   
throughout for viewers, hinting to KNiF.

...I still don't know if anyone tried decoding it or not.
There was... a lot to ask anyway, in hindsight.

[Fusion Collab video]   [Intro song upload]   [Hex decode]  

If you want more, check my Twitter & YouTube.
Good night.   ~SK
* (don't you havE anything bEtter to do?)

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* (do you not know what comEs aftEr?)

- 5onicKade2O4B -

(Creito @strak/tu for-zome grahcs use]