Content Hub Channel Surfing - Channel 10 Old designs breakdown Swap AU idea H-W-A-E-O-J-K-X-S 9th anniversary comic. When I'm SonicKade Channel Surfing - Channel 10 Old designs breakdown Swap AU idea H-W-A-E-O-J-K-X-S 9th anniversary comic. When I'm SonicKade Channel Surfing - Channel 10 Old designs breakdown Purple Time H-W-A-E-O-J-K-X-S 9th anniversary comic. When I'm SonicKade Channel Surfing - Channel 10 Old designs breakdown Cloud's Dance Party H-W-A-E-O-J-K-X-S 9th anniversary comic. When I'm SonicKade

"The follow-ups. The ones of separate origin. The 4 Beginners. These are the Secondary Heroes."

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Cloud's Bio

Cloud, believe it or not, predates Kade by a couple years. Once I started
investing time into Kade's lore, I gradually forgot about Cloud and his friends.
I've been trying to reintroduce them the past few years to make up for it.
If Kade parallels Sonic's heroism, Cloud parallels Mario's.

Thunder's Bio

Thunder is the Luigi to Cloud's Mario, sharing the relationship Kade and Asriel
have as long-term friends. While neither had powers at first, modern Cloud has
wind magic and Thunder has electric. Trading wings for legs seems like a
handicap, but he's ready to kick ass any day with Cloud by his side.

Jett's Bio

Jett is a Mega Man-inspired robot that uses his influence to its max. He can fire
energy blasts and cycle through different modes, but has no Robot Masters like
his source. He prefers flying solo but respects his teammates on their own quests.

Pumpers's Bio

Pumpers is kind of the kid of the group, despite all 4 being adults. They're the least
battle-driven and likes having fun more than fighting, but still has special magic
to use when the time calls. Usually they'll sit out and wait as backup.

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- SonicKade2048 -

(Credit to Astrakitu for some graphics used)