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"The ones who live beyond The Fourth Wall and run their own destinies. These are the Coded Souls."

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Viru's Bio

Viru the Virtual Assistant is a helper created to control one of my plotlines. The story would envision
me losing access to the internet, having Viru take over on the outside to narrate and guide "Players" in
the right direction. Since it fell apart, she's been on the sidelines in retirement with a new friend.

Tiffature's Bio

Tiffature is an aspiring DJ who likes playing with music files as a hobby. She stumbled across
Viru while digging through a discarded file archive, the two chatting for a brief time before meeting regularly.
Now Viru has introduced her to most of my database, showing her the ropes and how things work.

Spacia's Bio

Spacia is the current leader of The NegaDrive. She takes her job the most seriously and doesn't like goofing
off too much, which leads to her not properly resting or taking breaks. She likes keeping the archives intact
and wants the best for her friends, but whenever they get into a scuffle she takes charge as a strong leader.

Hariet's Bio

Hariet is Spacia's shoulder to lean on and second opinion when she needs help deciding. Hariet is more
grounded in reason and logic compared to Spacia's "let's focus on our true goal" mentality. She often has
to remind Spacia not to stress herself and double-checks the work they all do for mistakes. She takes
slight pride in being Spacia's foil, but deep down she knows their work is a team effort.

Jumber's Bio

Jumber has always felt like a third wheel in the team and tries to help out when possible. He struggles to
understand the job sometimes but does his best to archive and research when the other two need time off.
He's able to hold his ground and stick up for himself, but at times he'll get the short end of the stick... it doesn't get
to him too badly and Spacia & Hariet still respect him, he just wants to be more supportive & productive.

SoniKorrupt's Bio

SoniKorrupt is a relic of the past and fights to keep himself relevant. He's had a vengeance towards me ever
since his retcon and banishment. The NegaDrive started off malicious and wanted to use their research for bad, but I
changed them to work on their own volition and make their own choices. Seems like someone didn't get the memo.

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- SonicKade2048 -

(Credit to Jaden1291 for some graphics used)