> dir
>>> Directory of N:/SystemCaptures/March2024Update
<DIR> ..
<INF> Description
>>> The following was automated by The NegaDrive Internal Capture System. It is a {TRANSCRIPT} of, or of a {VIDEO} on, or in {YOUTUBE}.
> ...okay, good, it's recording.
> So. Kade here with Spacia, Hariet, Jumber, Cloud, and the 4 clones that've been running around.
> Spacia opted we do this since there's a lot of empty space between what's been going on.
> To put it lightly, Nightscar got himself out of Timeline A once the New Year hit, and now he's... somewhere.
> What happened went like this: Cloud and I blacked out out of nowhere and woke up to The NegaDrive completely frozen over.
> We went to Necro's lab where what Digi-Kade told us led us to think the timelines were getting merged.
> Meanwhile the clones got captured all at once but managed to fight back and escape.
> They've been on the run since and Nightscar hasn't caught up once.
> I used the last of my Emerald's power to undo the spell Nighscar cast on The NegaDrive, and they were able to send me and Cloud to pick up the clones.
> By now we're hoping Nightscar is laying low until he strikes again, and we're planning for when he does.
> Until then, Cloud, the clones and I will strategize while the staff handle the timelines.
> (Kade, wait, what about the...)
> (Oh, shoot, right, uh...)
> As for the YouTube channel, we... don't know yet. We saw that The Voice has control now, but we also never lost it.
> For now we're gonna let him do what he wants as long as he won't sabotage or break anything.
> It seemed like Nightscar wanted him more as a distraction than a destructor.
> If anything new comes up, we'll send it as soon as we can. Right now, we've got business to handle.
>>> [ ND.syscor ]