> dir
>>> Directory of N:/LoreProjects/February2023
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<INF> Description
>>> On February 14th, 2023, a thread was posted to Twitter detailing the first appearance of [The Kade Clones].
>>> Specifically, "Time!Kade", "Bootleg Kade", "Anti-Kade" and "CHANGED!Kade", with the inclusion of "Gear Kade", Kade's 2018 redesign.
>>> The thread details the clones talking to each other within [The SK-MSIV], wondering when they'll escape it on Kirb's call.
>>> A follow-up thread was also posted by us, explaining The MSIV in greater detail.
>>> Below is a transcription of both threads.
> [Time!Kade]: "Time is of the essence. Time flies. Time has no meaning. Limited-time. The world has many ways to interpret it, good and bad. For me, I wonder all of us have been... waiting. Waiting for a chance to... return? Make a new appearance?"
> [Gear!Kade]: "Well, we're still floating around, aren't we...? I know we've been in this void area for a while, but the fact that we're not GONE gone gives me hope. I'm sure, someday, the big guy can give us a revival chance."
> [Anti!Kade]: "The fact that we know beyond the 4th wall is enough. Kirb's been through many ideas that our lives practically LIVE off of us knowing that we're just ideas. If anything, "time" isn't that big a deal... even if it's *your* gimmick, anyway."
> [Bootleg!Kade]: "Yeah! Just think of the possibilities for when we're free! Corrupting other worlds, making chaos rain from the skies, glitching every last person we meet-"
> (CHANGED!Kade tugs on Bootleg Kade's arm)
> [Bootleg!Kade]: "...r-right, I... shouldn't get ahead of myself."
> [Time!Kade]: "...All I want is that he and the main Kade are doing okay out there. Even if most of the world doesn't know how many of *us* there are, or *who* we are... just seeing what he's still doing with the actual Kade gives *me* hope."
> [Anti!Kade]: "Agreed."
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[Our research shows that there is a void containing many of Kirb's past ideas. We've ID'd it as SK-MSIV, standing for "SonicKade Mind-Space Ideas Void". Many Kade iterations dwell here upon other Figments he's made, and the void links to larger, scrapped timelines too.]
[Activity there has only been these disposed Figments interacting with each other. Going into each other's timelines, casual conversation, and so on. A re-occurring topic is of their creator maybe bringing one or two of them back, if not all at some point.]
[Our guess is that this void has existed ever since Kirb got online, being a sort-of garbage dump for the Figments to stay in. They can see what goes on beyond the 4th wall and void thanks to multi-space video screens.]
[Monitoring of this void will continue. It's still difficult being a 3-person team, but 3 is better than 1 for a research and archival team like us.]
- Hariet
[NegaDrive Association]
>>> [ Jumber ]